
  • Austin Shaner


    Austin was born in Vero Beach, FL and spent most of his up bringing in Indiana. From a young age he developed a deep love for Soccer which he went on to play at Warner University in Lake Wales, FL. He developed an even greater love for Jesus Christ. Throughout his life the Lord began to use his love for Soccer as a platform to share Christ’s love with others. He has had the opportunity to be a part of sports ministry trips in seven countries and out of college lived in a refugee community in Charlotte, NC where he did sports ministry with the Charlotte Eagles. Before moving to Orlando, Austin founded and developed a large sports ministry at the Bridge Community Church in Indiana. Today Austin serves as the Executive Director for the Orlando Eagles. Austin is the proud husband of his wife Annie and father of their one-year-old Elijah.

  • Jeremy Reddy

    Jeremy Reddy and his wife Heather have been married for 22 years and have six children. They met in college at Taylor University. After graduation they joined the ministry of Cru and served seven years at Ball State University before Jeremy accepted the team leader role at the University of Northern Illinois. Their next ministry journey sent them to Orlando, FL where they led Cru together for five years at the University of Central Florida. In 2017 Jeremy and his wife transitioned to working with professional soccer players through Athletes in Action. Jeremy is passionate about helping athletes become fully alive in Christ, growing as total athletes, sent to change the world.